Sunday, April 12, 2009

Whatever You Want, Just Keep Giving Me Chocolate Eggs

So, Easter wasn't as lonely as I thought it would be. Brian grabbed me after church and asked if I had any place to go. I really did plan on lying, but I didn't, I told him that I had no plans. So he invited me to his place where he'd invited some other people about my age.

And it was a thousand times more fun than I ever thought. Turns out, Brian (known as Cute Priest) is a devious little prankster. I met several new people, including Laurie, whom I think I bonded with the most. Actually hugged her as we all parted ways. We played Marshmallow War with guns made from PVC pipe. Is it really strange that Brian kept aiming for me and shooting at me?

My new dress (as gifted from Laci, to whom i pretty much owe my soul) was a hit. looked great, even if running around playing shooting marshmallows out of piping was a bit difficult. No full agility (my excuse for why I was hit so often), but I did pull off a couple smooth moves.

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